How NOT to benchmark In-Memory OLTP

In forums over the last few months, I’ve seen a number of posts like the following:

  • “I tested native compilation, and it’s not much faster than using interpreted TSQL”
  • “I’m seeing performance issues with memory-optimized tables”

Tools and latency

Sometimes the bottleneck is the tool that’s used for testing. One person was using Ostress.exe and logging output to a file, using the –o parameter. This caused the benchmark they ran for memory-optimized tables to actually perform worse than disk-based tables! The overhead of logging Ostress output to disk created a high degree of latency, but once they removed the –o parameter, In-Memory OLTP performed super-fast for their workload.

Across the wire

Client/server messaging has overhead, and this cannot be improved by using In-Memory OLTP. Whether you’re returning one million rows from a disk-based table or a memory-optimized table, you’re still sending one million rows across the wire, which is not a valid test of In-Memory OLTP performance.

Core count

When you do a proof of concept, you should keep in mind that In-Memory OLTP is designed to work with many cores, and many concurrent processes. If you do your POC on a laptop with a single-threaded workload, In-Memory OLTP is not likely to deliver orders-of-magnitude performance benefits.

Simple queries used for testing Native Compilation

If you test with a query like:

FROM table1


then native compilation will probably not be much faster than disk-based tables. Native compilation will show the greatest benefit when encapsulating complex business logic.

“Test” workloads

Doing a proof of concept with a contrived workload will not accurately determine if your real workload would benefit from migrating some or all data to In-Memory OLTP. The best way to do a proof of concept would be to use a copy of your production database with a realistic workload. You could run against disk-based tables first, and after migrating data to In-Memory, you could re-run and compare the results.

Deploying In-Memory OLTP can increase workload performance in several ways:

  • latch/lock free architecture
  • reduced/enhanced logging – modifications to indexes are not logged, and also the entire logging process has been redesigned for memory-optimized tables
  • interpreted TSQL overhead
  • temp table/tempdb overhead
  • excessive computation

Obviously you’d need to have a reasonable amount of concurrent activity in order to determine if In-Memory OLTP would achieve performance gains for your workload.

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